Health care for dogs
For our loyal customers and those who joined us lately we created this FREE Newsletter, which you can subscribe for right here on this page! This is an alternative pages, our archive of all sent Newsletters for you not to miss something interesting, topical, life themes and discussions. Join us, learn everything you're interested in, get to know more about your dog's life and features and enjoy reading this intertaining, yet informative source!!
We'd like to pay your attention to the fact that we do not make any statements in this newsletter. We only share with you some points which were claimed by different dog experts and dog behaviourists. It's up to you whether to believe this article or not and whether to follow it. We respect your opinion and point of view and have no aim to let you down.
Dogs usually have good health. However, they also may have specific problems and deceases, like cancer, heart or skin deceases. In this issue I would like to focus on some of the preventive measures, that will help you to have happy and healthy four-legged member of the family.
There is no need to explain why food is so important to have perfect health. Of course, being a caring owner you understand that stale products are harmful for dogs. On the other side, some owners are feeding their pets with “best” possible food available in the market. Be careful!! Not every dog food commercials can be safely implemented in life. Check twice what is inside of the package and ask your vet, he will advice you what is really the best for your doggie.

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