offer Handmade Braided Leather Waist Lead 4 FOOT with D-ring for your all dogs
English oily leather 5mm thickness with D-ring on the handle hand stitched
Colors of LEASH:
Black, brown, tan

Latigo Braided oily Leather Waist Lead 4 FOOT-all dogs
This leather dog obedience leash is for dogs of medium size to giant size.
This is fine tuning leash and your dog should have a good obedience foundation before using a short leash.
One size come with a brass "D" ring in the handle so the leash can be secured around your shoulder or waist when not in use or practicing off leash exercises.
General "Woof" Tip: Very important to pay attention on what kind of rivets is used to make your leather product.Some companies trying to cut down prices and use low quality rivets which will rust within weeks and can harm you and your dog because edges are sharp and not polished